Morgeneier, Marie Pauline Martha
Vater: Morgeneier, Johann Wilhelm Rudolf
Mutter: Stab, Anna Sophie
Geschwister: Rudolph Hermann
Paul Franz
Quellen: Download Autor: Created by FamilySearch (TM) Internet Genealogy Service 
International Genealogical Index (R) Batch #: C999631, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0070319, Printout Call #: 1125303, Dates: 1804 - 1817 
Autor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
International Genealogical Index (R) Batch #: C999631, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0070320, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1818 - 1830 
Autor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
International Genealogical Index (R) Batch #: C999631, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0070321, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1830 - 1875 
Autor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
International Genealogical Index (R) Batch #: C999631, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0070322, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1839 - 1856 
Autor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
International Genealogical Index (R) Batch #: C999631, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0070323, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1856 - 1876 
Autor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 
International Genealogical Index (R) Batch #: C999631, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0070334, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1804 - 1831 
Autor: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

Möglicherweise ist das die Martha Morgeneier, die von 1910 bis 1943 imBerliner Adressbuch auftaucht. 

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